Nursing Home Collaboratives

Qsource hosted Nursing Home Collaboratives in 12 regional locations across Indiana in 2023. The collaborative experience was an educational interactive process focusing on quality data driven topics.

Toolkits of Resources Provided by Topic – hard copies of toolkits were provided during the meetings for those participating in person. An electronic version of the toolkit was shared with participants attending virtually during the presentation. If you are interested in any of these toolkits, please reach out to Angeleta Hendrickson at [email protected] or Teresa Hostettler at [email protected].

Back-to-Basics QAPI Collaborative – Session 1

Upcoming Events

Dates Coming Soon

Back-to-Basics QAPI Collaborative – Session 1

Back-to-Basics QAPI Collaborative – Session 2

Deprescribing with Dr. Chinthala

Questions? Contact the Nursing Home Team

Teresa Hostettler, Lead QI Advisor
(317) 559-6543
[email protected]

Candace Lord, QI Advisor
(317) 829-0143
[email protected]

Angeleta Hendrickson
(317) 735-3551
[email protected]

Kim Iman, QI Advisor
(463) 209-0014
[email protected]

Jerrie Yost, QI Advisor
(317) 868-5057
[email protected]

Patty Stephenson-Neal, QI Advisor
(317) 735-3566
[email protected]

Jessica Parker, QI Advisor
(317) 351-1379
[email protected]